News September 9 to 14

Erasmus Days 2023

This year, the Erasmus Days were happening the second week of October. On that occasion, we organizd a photo contest, an information session about the Erasmus+ program for students but also for staff mobility, and a "Dinner Around the World" with our students association JUNIA Globe.

Erasmus+ mobility partner universities

What are the #ErasmusDays?

Six days of celebration of the Erasmus+ Programme in Europe and beyond during the #ErasmusDays. A unique opportunity to organize an event, share your Erasmus experience or spread the word about your project.

International mobility and European citizenship are once again at the heart of the #ErasmusDays 2023. In 2022, 6295 events were held in 58 countries! Are you ready to do even better this year?

Whether you are an Erasmus+ beneficiary, an European actor or an alumni of the programme, the #ErasmusDays will give you the chance to share your experience, organize an event or spread the word about your project.”

The photo contest

In honour of #ErasmusDays, JUNIA was happy to celebrate student mobility and international experience !

Lots of outgoing and incoming students shared their experience, and two of them won the contest:

  • Flore LAUNAY, a JUNIA students who sent us a photo from Chile (first picture below)
  • Abdallah ABU-HAWASH: an exchange students, who took a picture of La Braderie de Lille, the biggest flea market in Europe (second photo below)

The two of them won a 50€ FNAC gift card !

Erasmus+ Information Session

An information session on Staff Erasmus Mobility gathered lots of colleagues: Florence Malaise outlined the main principles of the programme, and Marie-Laure Bazin Stefani, Céline Casagrande and Sandrine TRIQUET spoke about their Erasmus teaching or training mobilities at Junia_ingénieurs partner institutions.

Dinner around the world

As a week closure, JUNIA co-organised an international evening (with JUNIA Globe) during which students shared food specialties from their home countries ?.
Other JUNIA associations were participating to this event.

JUNIA in India
Admissions mobility partner universities
A l'international JUNIA in Prague
Erasmus+ mobility