Français Langue Etrangère (FLE)

These classes are open to all the non french speaking international students. They will be taught 2 to 3 hours per week during the academic year.


Offer a french training, called FLE, to students whose mother tongue is not French in order to enable them to acquire the best possible mastery of French as well as the cultural knowledge essential to their successful integration.


They are 4 different levels :

  • Debutant (A0 to A1)
  • Elementary (A1 to A2)
  • Intermediate ( A2 to B1)
  • Advanced (B1+ to B2+/C1/C2)

These courses are held in the evening in person at a rate of 2 sessions of 1h30 per week from 18h00 to 19h30, or 1 session per week from 18h00 to 20h00.

Depending on the level group chosen, there are between 34 and 60 hours of FLE classes per semester and the groups range from “complete beginner” (level A0) to “confirmed level” (level B2+). Intensive courses are organized at the beginning of each semester (in September and January): 12 hours during one week.

The courses are built according to the levels described by the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) proposed by the European Council.

How to register


DELF and TCF Certification

International students on a degree program at JUNIA must validate the B1 level in French for graduation if their program is entirely in English. Foreign students on a degree program at JUNIA must validate level B2 if their program is in French.
JUNIA covers the DELF or TCF registration fee for students enrolled in degree programs. DELF or TCF sessions are also open to international exchange students who can register for the exams at their own expense.
Each teacher will prepare his or her group for the DELF or TCF exam according to the students’ needs.


If the student attends all the courses and passes the end of semester exam, he/she can obtain 2 ECTS credits (per semester). The control of knowledge is carried out within the framework of a continuous evaluation and the final examination.

Students concerned by the end of semester exam and wishing to validate the credits are strongly encouraged to use the Global exam platform for self-learning of FLE in addition to the classroom courses. A certificate with the level “in progress” can be issued upon request.

Assignment or change of level group:

  • You are already registered and you have successfully obtained your ECTS of the targeted language level, you are automatically placed in the higher level
  • Those who have failed are re-enrolled in the same level
  • You wish to change group or level at the beginning of the course, please contact your teacher. The request will be studied by the JUNIA FLE referent, within the limits of available places.
Contact Your contact
Erasmus+ Coordinator, European Programs Coordinator Vira WANNEPAIN vira.wannepain@junia.com

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